100 Life Hacks
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100 Life Hacks

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Dear fellow human, 
    Ever wanted a condensed, jargon-free, survivor style guide to modern life? Want the facts delivered fast, clear and preferably in dot-form to allow for your super-packed schedule? 
    100 Life Hacks is that guide. It’s the essentials packed into 100 topics that gaze light on and summarise solutions to the challenges, needs, choices and foibles of living in western culture today.
    How can we live lives we won’t regret? Keep off the weight? Recover from trauma or separation? Choose a career? Or practice assertiveness? (Most of us suck at that, huh!) Want to master mindfulness (it’s good for everything) or create your own website? Be a better parent or find love? What’s the secret to making a good impression or good friends? It’s all in here. Plus more. 
    Of course, 100 topics is far from everything one needs to know. But it’s plenty for you to work on. This publication is organised into 10 core areas of life: mind and mood, body, money, housing, work, social health and relation-ships, parenting, productivity and tech, spirituality and travel. The topics mostly hone in on what’s important to human happiness. Others are practical how-to on what most of us have to master at some point, like writing a resume, sorting a will or our own home. It’s the life stuff no one teaches you. If only they did at school.