Australian Country Magazine Issue 25.2
In this issue.
- Get out of town, Our favourite looks if you’re planning to head to the country for a weekend away
A slice of Tasmania, Sally Wise has championed local produce for decades. Her cookbooks share the love with her signature, no-nonsense style
Seduced by simplicity, Architect Michael Bell and his interior designer wife, Michele, have turned a sixties beach house into a stunning seaside home that’s too good to leave
- And many more!
As this issue goes to press, after two years of disruptions, unimaginable tragedy for some and disruption to work and life for most, it feels that we are slowly arriving at something resembling life before the pandemic. We’re grateful that we’ve been able to return to some domestic travel, that we managed to squeeze in a fashion shoot for the first time in ages and that we’re back on the road, albeit cautiously, meeting people, gathering stories and doing what Australian Country does best: sharing them with an appreciative audience.
About Australian Country Magazine.
Australian Country is an elegant magazine published six times a year and dedicated to celebrating only the best of the Australian country lifestyle. By delving into the world of station homesteads, country cottages and rustic town houses, contemporary cuisine, antiques and collectables, travel features, artists, craftspeople, primary produce and rural industry, every edition of Australian Country provides readers with inspiration so they can capture the essence of the country lifestyle, no matter where they live.